
Friday, December 2, 2011

The Decline of Negative Humor

Dawkin's Mailbag

*Contains some explicit language

I laughed at the absurdity of this email message for a moment, then I noticed within myself, irrespective of the humorous tone applied to this reading of it, a feeling of sadness just listening to the misdirected anger in it.

This is my point exactly: Humor is not funny when negativity is directed 'at' another being, human, animal, or otherwise. 

The fact that I laughed reveals to me that I like funny things. It also clearly indicates that I am familiar with both sides of this argument. Rather than elaborating further on that distinction, I will say that in all sincerity, I'm puzzled by negativity. It's an energie strand that is present in every conceivable cardinal direction, but somehow it's piercing flames have always remained so foreign to me that I recognize and avoid them instinctively. 

Throughout life I've "let a few zingers" pass just to "fit in," but when I have, I felt like the Court Jester in Gibbon's final portrayal of the decline of the Roman Empire.

What I think we're seeing in the world is a decline of negativity. Researching humor is expanding my insight into culture in ways reading and watching the news has not. The palpable elements of plutocracy, oligarchy, and mounting theocracy that rule our western state in the name of democracy have inflicted upon us a catastrophe so large that just witnessing it awakens the most closed individual. 

Having removed my own children from the institutionalized counterculture that condemns individuality, I question more and more why I still follow certain post-industrial actions in my own life. While productive and of value fifty years ago, the methodology of commerce is archaic and depreciates intellectual values. 

Personally, it was difficult for me to leave the erudite knowledge factory, otherwise known as the university. I had found refuge its halls. With respect to the art of communication, the world of commerce and common society struck me as barbaric and dangerous in comparison.

After some time, my observations gave way to curious revelations about the business world, observations I believe I would not have made had I not been a natural born entrepreneur that valued both theoretical and empirical knowledge. My observations in business interactions told me that while we had long since created systems as a 'people' to manage progress, and while many had lost sight of the true meaning of "We the people," we had not given away our personhood. 

This means, we are still "the people" and while it may seem like a barely audible under-song of the global conflicts we're witnessing, it is still our chorale against the storm of ideology, that we ourselves devised, that can release us from its grasp. 

The sinusoidal waves of our global culture's counter-song is increasing, catching on around the world. While anxiety is notably palpable, the acoustics of society is undeniable. We can be the change we want to see in the world because we are "our" world. 

The power of global communication has given way to what at first blush seems like de-evolution (the growth of a long tail), which many interpret as an "end of days," but it's not! It's a long tail that is wagging in delight in the face of recognition that we chose our reality. 

A world free from the notion that weaknesses and strengths can only be defined by limitations is blurring into a seamless and friendly mode of transmission, a gift graciously bestowed and gratefully received between each other. 

Negativity is vanishing and with it the rival battle between the Greeks and the Christians (previous Hebrew component). The reciprocal of the old agonistic (combative) spirit that asserts its superiority is softening and rising above its measure. 

The glory and danger of the "old thinking" is delighted by accurate wit, but it roars with life-giving laughter in the presence of positive humor, affirmation, acceptance, and gratitude. Today, we're witnessing a different aura beaming a pathway right through the empire that leads to an open field where there are no walls behind which to hide. 

The power of technology is that beam of light that puts people in front of one another. In the face of ourselves, we no longer need to question the chicken's rationale for crossing the road, for the road's asphalt is being redecorated with posts of flowers honoring an upward metamorphosis on the scale of Plato's lost Atlantis. 

While it's a long journey to the bridge, this Court Jester is looking toward the positive for joke material that is sublime enough to entertain us along the way. 

It is my sincere belief that contrary to popular notion, we are seeing a decline in negativity rather than an uprising of it. Negativity is loud and piercing, even the hint of it puts us in a cold space, as you can see from the mere hint of its presence in this post. 

I deliberated on whether or not to share this piece, then decided to do so because there are still those who would benefit from understanding that the old, dogmatic thinking of our predecessors is one very few of us actually propagate. 

While negativity is present, a growing positivity is releasing most people from its grasp. We may need to dissolve old systems in the process, but this separation should be done with a soft hand not a forceful one. 

The Occupy Movement can wield a single funny bone against the weight of the world - and win. 

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